A Healthy Update ❤️

BLaTTiX - Tue, 20 Jul 2021 07:02:00 GMT

The kids are back at school and our trip down south is behind us, which can only mean one thing: a new release!

This one is fairly minor, but it’s nice to have some semblance of momentum. In this update, destroying enemies may yield a bunch of little sparkies that zoom towards your ship to replenish health. You can barely see them in this screenie:

It’s a simple economy, helping to strike a balance between blasting the beasties that actually shoot and do damage, and destroying harmless shiny balls to replenish health.

Oh, and the mac version may be a bit nicer; turns out I was linking against the wrong raylib build, but that’s all fixed now.

Have fun, and let me know what you think!